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The project 'Creativity and Innovation for Active Citizenship (CIAC)' is implemented by three partner organizations in two countries - Bulgaria and Slovenia, with financial support from the 'Erasmus+' Program, Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships. Within this key action, activities are carried out to achieve the program's priorities and generate lasting positive impacts. The results of this process are expected to lead to the development, transfer, and implementation of innovative practices at various levels, including organizational, local, regional, national, and European levels. The project aims to promote the active participation of young people in democratic and civic life in Europe. By creating innovative products, including analysis and reports on youth engagement, a methodology for studying youth engagement, guidelines, and electronic training modules, the project seeks to deepen and expand young people's political and social participation from local to European levels. The target audience includes young people aged 15-29, youth workers, teachers, and trainers from the informal sector. The innovative addition to our training platform is the integration of the ChatGPT chatbot, developed by OpenAI. This powerful tool provides new possibilities and represents a true revolution in information technology.ChatGPT is extremely popular among young people and has become part of their daily lives. Its integration into our training platform aims to allow young people to use it for quick access to information related to civic activity, their civil rights, or participation in public initiatives. The project promotes civic engagement and cooperation by placing young people at the center of the democratic process. The developed e-learning modules and the chatbot will provide them with up-to-date information and support on all these important topics.
The project aligns with the specific priorities of the youth sector, directing its efforts towards providing resources for the more active participation of young people in democratic and civic life in Europe. Simultaneously, it aims to broaden and deepen youth's political and social involvement at various levels—local, national, and European. The project's main goal is to encourage active citizenship among young people by creating innovative intellectual products. These products include:

1. Analyses and reports on the engagement of young people in Bulgaria and Slovenia;
2. Methodology for studying youth engagement;
3. Handbook with guidelines aimed at youth workers to create engagement among the youth;
4. Online educational modules focused on training and participation for youth.
The online platform can be seen as a collaboration space where young people can explore and develop their ideas and learn how to become effective participants in these processes. At the political level. There is a growing decline in interest, and there is ample evidence that young people are distancing themselves from traditional forms of democratic participation. Increasing apathy towards voting and decreasing membership of young people in political parties illustrate this trend. Youth are turning towards alternative or innovative forms of participation that replace traditional ones.Youth participation in decision-making processes, whether political, civic, or otherwise, promotes active citizenship, improves their integration, and strengthens their contribution to the development of democratic society. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage this participation.
The main goal of the project is to promote a positive attitude among young people towards influencing democratic processes, whether at the European, national, regional, or local level and to increase their participation in the development of inclusive and peaceful societies. The specific goals and tasks of the project related to youth participation include: 1. Increasing the influence of young people on decision-making in public bodies; 2. Increasing voter activity among youth; 3. Providing opportunities for young people to learn to participate in decision-making through new, modern media; 4. Encouraging decision-makers to be more open to youth participation; 5. Training educational and youth workers in formal and informal settings and using various approaches to stimulate youth participation, emphasizing the importance of young people who can engage and learn about democratic decision-making from an early age.
Target Groups
The project is strategically oriented towards sectors and groups in society, focusing on young people and directing its efforts towards key target groups that play a crucial role in achieving its goals. These target groups include youth, representing the future and being vital for the sustainable development of society. In addition to youth, the project also pays attention to youth leaders and workers who act as catalysts for change and inspire others. They play an important role in guiding young people and strengthening their civic spirit. Teachers and educational workers are also crucial, as they can contribute to youth education and training on democracy and civic participation. Youth volunteers also make a significant contribution by providing the enthusiasm and energy necessary to implement project activities successfully. Non-governmental organizations working in the youth sector are our natural partners in the project, as they have expertise and experience in working with youth and promoting civic participation. Collaboration with public institutions at various levels—local, regional, and national—is crucial to encourage institutional support and integration of youth initiatives into public dialogue and decision-making processes.
Expected Results
The expected results of the project include the following aspects: - Development of an effective model for collaboration between youth, youth organizations, and institutions responsible for shaping youth policy at the local, regional, and European levels. - Encouraging active youth participation in civic initiatives and political processes, including structured dialogue and other aspects of democratic civic life. - Improving the awareness of participants and stakeholders regarding national and European priorities, promoting the sharing of European values such as active citizenship, solidarity, and democracy. - Establishing communication and information exchange with other Balkan countries. As direct results of the intellectual products created by the project, the following are expected: 1. Through conducted surveys on the attitudes and knowledge of youth in the field, reports are created in both participating countries. These reports assist in creating the next intellectual products, serving as useful tools for training youth workers, representatives of local authorities, teachers, and youth. 2. A methodology for working with young people aimed at increasing their awareness of active citizenship and improving the dialogue between youth and politicians in youth participation and collaboration in implementing regional and European strategies for sustainable development and youth involvement in political and public processes. This methodology is directed toward representatives of local and national authorities working with youth and various educational institutions and NGOs. 3. A guide with guidelines for youth engagement, serving as a practical guide for effectively involving young people in decision-making processes. This resource provides tools and advice for successfully planning and implementing active citizenship. 4. Electronic training modules for engaging youth. This section of the project platform helps young people effectively acquire information about their participation in public processes and activism.
2. A methodology for working with young people aimed at increasing their awareness of active citizenship and improving the dialogue between youth and politicians in youth participation and collaboration in implementing regional and European strategies for sustainable development and youth involvement in political and public processes. This methodology is directed toward representatives of local and national authorities working with youth and various educational institutions and NGOs.
3. A guide with guidelines for youth engagement, serving as a practical guide for effectively involving young people in decision-making processes. This resource provides tools and advice for successfully planning and implementing active citizenship.
4. Electronic training modules for engaging youth. This section of the project platform helps young people effectively acquire information about their participation in public processes and activism.
Omega Association
Omega Association is a non-governmental organization providing community services focusing on youth, established in 2012 in Kardzhali, Bulgaria. The association's mission is to improve the lives of young people in the regional center - to work and assist in developing and promoting good practices in civil society, education, and culture in a spirit of tolerance and intercultural dialogue. Our mission also includes support for personal realization and expression, social integration of youth, including those exposed to social and cultural status risks, and building a dialogue with responsible institutions. In recent years, the organization has implemented several projects to support youth, creating conditions for constructive dialogue between youth and representatives of public institutions. Following the European Youth Forum model, the Omega Association actively engages youth in the region on important topics such as Structured Dialogue and youth participation in the local, regional, and national policy-making process. The idea is to encourage youth participation in a professional and responsible context by presenting interesting and innovative ideas for civic engagement to support youth initiatives. Korenyak Foundation The Korenyak Foundation, established in 2009, is a non-governmental organization dedicated to goals and activities related to working with youth, including those facing challenges in their lives. The main goal of the Korenyak Foundation is to activate and support the development of young people, covering both their social and professional integration. Additionally, the Foundation is involved in disseminating information and organizing events focused on the development of education, training, science, culture, and sports. In this context, it collaborates with various educational and cultural initiatives. Together with other organizations and institutions, the Korenyak Foundation creates favorable educational, training, and youth development conditions. The aim is to create better prospects and opportunities for the growth and development of young people. Society for the Development of Voluntary Work (DRPDNM) in Novo Mesto is a Slovenian non-governmental humanitarian organization. They work in the public interest and focus on integrating socially excluded groups and developing NGOs and civic dialogue. Their main values include solidarity, tolerance, and active civic life. The organization has 25 years of experience in education, youth, citizens, migrants, refugees, women, families, workers, non-learners, Roma, strengthening them, international cooperation, and other areas. Additionally, DRPDNM coordinates the REGIONAL NGO CENTER to promote the better development of NGOs, private institutions, and their cooperation with public institutions and universities. Their strategic goals include forming a professional team, increasing visibility to key stakeholders, and supporting a broader community of stakeholders, including youth and socially excluded groups. DRPDNM has programs focused on the integration of socially excluded groups, support for the development of NGOs and civic dialogue, as well as working with youth, using culture and arts as a means for their integration into the labor market. Their recent projects include efforts to support youth, reduce unemployment among them, and encourage their opportunities for participation and integration into society, funded by the European Social Fund.
Korenyak Foundation
Foundation "Korenyak", established in 2009, is a non-governmental organization dedicated to goals and activities related to work with youth, including those who face challenges in their lives. The main goal of the "Korenyak" Foundation is to activate and support the development of young people, covering both their social and professional integration. In addition, the Foundation deals with the dissemination of information and the organization of events aimed at the development of education, training, science, culture and sports. In this context, it collaborates with various educational and cultural initiatives. Together with other organizations and institutions, the "Korenyak" Foundation works to create favorable conditions for education, training and youth development. The goal is to create better prospects and opportunities for the growth and development of young people.
The Society for the Development of Voluntary Work (DRPDNM) in Novo mesto is a Slovenian non-governmental humanitarian organization. They work in the public interest and focus on the integration of socially excluded groups and the development of NGOs and civil dialogue. Their core values include solidarity, tolerance and active civic life. The organization has 25 years of experience in education, youth, citizens, migrants, refugees, women, families, workers, non-learners, Roma, their empowerment, international cooperation and other areas. Furthermore, DRPDNM coordinates the REGIONAL NGO CENTER in order to promote the better development of NGOs, private institutions and their cooperation with public institutions and universities. Their strategic goals include forming a professional team, increasing visibility to key stakeholders and support for a wider community of stakeholders, including youth and socially excluded groups. DRPDNM has programs aimed at the integration of socially excluded groups, support for the development of NGOs and civil dialogue, as well as youth work using culture and the arts as a means of their integration into the labor market. Their latest projects include efforts to support young people, reduce unemployment among them and promote their opportunities for participation and integration in society, funded by the European Social Fund.


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