Target Groups
The project is strategically oriented towards sectors and groups in society, focusing on young people and directing its efforts towards key target groups that play a crucial role in achieving its goals. These target groups include youth, representing the future and being vital for the sustainable development of society. In addition to youth, the project also pays attention to youth leaders and workers who act as catalysts for change and inspire others. They play an important role in guiding young people and strengthening their civic spirit. Teachers and educational workers are also crucial, as they can contribute to youth education and training on democracy and civic participation. Youth volunteers also make a significant contribution by providing the enthusiasm and energy necessary to implement project activities successfully. Non-governmental organizations working in the youth sector are our natural partners in the project, as they have expertise and experience in working with youth and promoting civic participation. Collaboration with public institutions at various levels—local, regional, and national—is crucial to encourage institutional support and integration of youth initiatives into public dialogue and decision-making processes.